~ Still Blaming His Wife ~ It's A Familiar Tune Blaming Wife for Insurrection Flags, Alito Refuses to Recuse From Trump Cases "It's hard to read this comically bad letter as…
The former President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, lives in an otherworldly fantasy where he was King or at least Authoritarian Fuhrer while in office (2016-2020), which would…
US Top Court – Maybe Not So Supreme
"Every federal judge [in the United States of America] is bound to an ethics code requiring them to avoid behavior that so much as looks improper, except for Supreme Court justices. Chief…
His Actions A Danger To Justice and Democracy
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OCTOBER 24, 2022 Thomas’ Actions Are An Affront to Justice and Democracy WASHINGTON, D.C.— Stand Up America Executive Director Christina Harvey issued the following statement in response to Supreme…
Flying Their True Colours
Last week 203 House Republicans voted against legislation preventing U.S. Presidents from using the Electoral Count Act to overturn the will of the People. The bill did pass 229-203: every House Democrat…
Elections Have Consequences: Life, Health and Personal Choice Edition
For Immediate Release:Tuesday, September 13, 2022 NARAL Pro-Choice America PRESS RELEASE NARAL Pro-Choice America Condemns National Abortion Ban Legislation Introduced by Republican Senator Washington, DC — Today, after months of the…
Hypocrites and Hucksters and History
In his opinion piece at The Washington Post, Dana Milbank lays bare the hypocrisy and dangerous 'new precedent' of the radical right-wing majority at the US Supreme Court. Yes, Americans should be…
The ‘Draft’ – A Right-Wing Mission Statement
The draft of Justice Samuel Alito's majority opinion overruling Roe, which was obtained by Politico, [a right-wing news outlet] is right-wing Republican politics masquerading as law. In the draft, Alito declares: "Roe…
Whispering In His Ear
Running With One Leg While You’re Telling Me All The Things I Want To Hear ~ Is This The Love Story That’s Ruining America? Ginni interviews Clarence in 2018: GINNI THOMAS:…
American Experiment, Crushed By Minority Rule
We Have Journeyed Far From Here ~ Supreme Court Blocks Biden The Supreme Court blocked the Biden administration from enforcing its emergency rule mandating that workers at large businesses get vaccinated or…
Roe and The Supremes
Going to go out on a limb here, but I’m pretty sure the Court would be seeing this differently if it was ruling on cocks and balls ~ Rusty coathangers are not…
Is This a Trick Question?
Is There a Republican Alive Who Still Believes in Democracy? Republican state governments are currently passing laws to restrict Democrats from voting in the future, while taking care not to suppress the…