Press Freedom Case Might Be Heard in Secret The scope of the public’s right to know should be decided in public. Who would argue with that? (more…)
Laugh Now, Cry Later: UPDATED
Red Wave. Blue Collapse. Blue Wave. Red Collapse. The Battle is ongoing. The Bullshit continues. It's Nothing New... Or Is It: UPDATED 11/14 - SEE BELOW (more…)
Swing State Press: The Report
* Hard Times For Press Freedom and Journos * A new report just out from Reporters Without Borders (RSF) takes a deep dive into press freedom in four U.S. 'swing states' just…
Compared: List of 20
A younger Trump, according to his first wife’s divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet. (more…)
A Spelling Bee
How Do You Spell Coward In American English (more…)
Words On Politics and Truth: An Oxymoron?
~ News Media. Politics. Pop Culture. Truth. ~ News Media and Presidential Campaigns ~ The style of campaigning is symbolic of – and results from – the central role played by the…
Now That Was A Convention
WOW! Talk about conventions! That was a convention, wow. Prime time entertainment at its best. Drama. Comedy. Music. Dance. Anticipation. And the must-have in any prime entertainment production: Leave The Audience Hanging.…
Words On Prejudices, Citizens, Imbeciles, and Elites.
Robert Heinlein. Abhijit Naskar. Bertolt Brecht. Robert Reich. You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic. Robert A. Heinlein.…
Narcissist Unhinged
Former occupant of the Oval Office who got booted out in 2020 said the civilian Medal of Freedom, like the one he gave to a billionaire donor, is better than the Medal…
A Call For Action
A coalition of more than three-dozen journalism, civil-rights and consumer-rights organisations released a letter Thursday, 15 August, calling on news outlets to do a much better job reporting on rising authoritarianism and…
Something Strange In America
Across the country Americans are overcome with a strange feeling. For some, it’s a new Thing; for others it’s familiar but been buried in the shit pail of chaos and the fears…
2024: Warnings Continue. Maybe We Should Pay Attention
Latest warning (August 2) of assaults on U.S. democracy comes loud and clear from the American Bar Association’s Task Force for American Democracy. “Our country and democracy face a wide variety of…
Words On Decisions, Movements, Courage
Dolores Huerta. Angela Davis. Jasilyn Charger. We do need women in civic life. We do need women to run for office, to be in political office. We need a feminist to…
JRB Is Asking America
Joe's Good Thing. It's All About Love, And Finishing The Job (more…)
Saving U.S. Democracy, Still
Voter apathy this election cycle is another privilege Black Americans do not have The fight for freedom is once again at our doorstep, and we cannot afford to stay home when oppression…
Oh No, Uncle Joe. Say It Ain’t So
~~ From Right Left Centre and In Between ~~ News Media Still The Same Old, Same Old: If It Bleeds – It Leads (more…)
Happy Fourth, America. And Good Luck
When An Image & A Song Tell The Story (more…)
There Was A Debate?
That Was Just Two Old White Guys – One Mumbling Words, One Lying Because That's What He Does; Both Whining: ‘You’re The Bad Guy. No, You’re The Bad Guy’ And The ‘Moderators’…
Assange Makes Plea Deal To Freedom
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: FREEDOM OF THE PRESS FOUNDATION: According to court documents, the Department of Justice and Julian Assange have reached a plea agreement in the DOJ’s long-running case against the WikiLeaks…
A Truly Embarrassing Spectacle
• Returning To The Scene of The Crime, By Invitation • ~ With Mitch McConnell As Representative of Today’s Republican Party ~ 3 February 2021, Mitch McConnell: “Former President Trump’s actions that…
Words On Life, Women, and BS
Easy To Grasp (more…)
The GOP and Unified Horror
On Monday, a video was posted on the social media network of a person named Donald J. Trump that included multiple references to something called a “unified Reich”. Most of us know…
Mike Johnson Is A Threat To America, Part Infinity
Mike Johnson, Republican, Speaker of the House of the United States of America, and second in line to the Presidency, on Tuesday led a group of dangerous red-tie sycophants to the New…
Words On Lessons For Mike Johnson
Abraham Lincoln. Warren G.Harding. Dwight D.Eisenhower. We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert…
Hate. America’s Fatal Disease
America today is overwhelmed by HATE and HATE will bring an end to ‘The Grand Experiment’. Yes, HATE has been an integral part of the American experiment from its beginning, bringing with…
Our Mother and The Future of All Things Living
“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children” First Nations proverb. The Planet is under severe assault; by climate changes, extreme rains and heat, dying…
Psychopaths and Sycophants, Together Again
Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and the Islamic Republic of Iran are back in the news again; and not for good deeds, charitable contributions or for the overall betterment of the…
Mass Murder Still NOT Patriotic
A terrorist attack on 19 April 1995 at a Oklahoma City federal building killed 168 people including 19 children and over 850 were injured. The bomber Timothy McVeigh, a U.S. Army veteran,…