The Question of Courage

• It's About Choices • The election is over. We know the cabinet picks. The stress level has gone up. But, we do not have to fall victim to the incoming hate…

A younger Trump, according to his first wife’s divorce filings, kept and studied a book translating and annotating Adolf Hitler’s pre-World War II speeches in a locked bedside cabinet. (more…)

There's been a flush of diarrhea from the mouth of the former guy (TFG) as the nation readies for the upcoming election on November 5. Devoid of any sensible attempt to inform…

  ~ Special Counsel Prosecuting Trump Shows Us A Revealing Brief ~ Jack's got a new brief. It’s a nice brief. It’s a good brief. It’s a brief brief; only a 165-page…

~ Our Gratitude ~   The Violence Against Women Act Turns 30, Today By Professor Dale Margolin Cecka, director of the Family Violence Litigation Clinic at Albany Law School. Intimate partner violence…

Far-right Republican Congressman Mike Johnson, who is Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and second in line to the Presidency, is at it again in his role as Supreme Lackey, conveniently…

WOW! Talk about conventions! That was a convention, wow. Prime time entertainment at its best. Drama. Comedy. Music. Dance. Anticipation. And the must-have in any prime entertainment production: Leave The Audience Hanging.…

Former occupant of the Oval Office who got booted out in 2020 said the civilian Medal of Freedom, like the one he gave to a billionaire donor, is better than the Medal…

Dems Fighting Over ‘Virtual Roll Call’ To Nominate Joe Biden Before Convention ~ The Democratic National Committee says its virtual roll call will start next month. Some elected Democrats say it’s an…

Voter apathy this election cycle is another privilege Black Americans do not have The fight for freedom is once again at our doorstep, and we cannot afford to stay home when oppression…

That Was Just Two Old White Guys – One Mumbling Words, One Lying Because That's What He Does; Both Whining: ‘You’re The Bad Guy. No, You’re The Bad Guy’ And The ‘Moderators’…

• Returning To The Scene of The Crime, By Invitation •  ~ With Mitch McConnell As Representative of Today’s Republican Party ~ 3 February 2021, Mitch McConnell: “Former President Trump’s actions that…

Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday rejected claims of hypocrisy with House Republicans pushing a contempt of Congress charge against Attorney General Merrick Garland when Rep. Jim Jordan and other Republicans refused to…

Greene Compares Trump To Jesus WTF! Now, I'm not a religious person. Not a practicing any religion. If religious beliefs work for you, great. Not my business; until, of course, your belief…

On Monday, a video was posted on the social media network of a person named Donald J. Trump that included multiple references to something called a “unified Reich”. Most of us know…

America today is overwhelmed by HATE and HATE will bring an end to ‘The Grand Experiment’. Yes, HATE has been an integral part of the American experiment from its beginning, bringing with…

Reports are circulating that Senator Lisa Murkowski, Republican from Alaska, has said she “absolutely” will not vote for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election. Also, according to CNN, the senator…

…When This Guy Is Your Hero… You Are One Sick Little-Dick MotherFuc*er ••• Donald Trump’s dinner guest at Mar-a-Lago Nick Fuentes says that when the America First movement takes power, all non-Christians…

DoJ Releases Devastating Report On ‘Cascading Failures’ Of Uvalde > The Justice Department’s report is a damning 575-page catalogue of confusion, lack of courage and their deadly consequences. Full Report here (pdf)…

Question: Have You No Shame   ~ Sometimes, Somethings Just Make You Vomit A Little In Your Own Mouth ~ ~ After A While, Some People Get To Like The Taste and…

Politics. Campaign Performance. Avoiding Truths. X/Twitter. TikTok. Instagram. Podcasts ABC - to -  XYZ. News Media. Etc., Etc., Etc. ~~ News Media and Presidential Campaigns § The style of campaigning is symbolic…