The Pathetic Pathogen

Inside and Outside The Courtroom


Fragile Little Manlet Reads Articles Praising Him Outside Courtroom

From Crooks And Liars:

The Twice-Impeached One stood outside the courtroom to read sections of praise-worthy articles. This is pathetic…


Trump Crying About ‘Freezing’ In The Courtroom. Was A Beautiful Thing

From Crooks And Liars:

On Thursday Trump whined like a spoiled child to the media because he was a little cold in the courthouse where he had to sit for his criminal trial… and that’s so unfair.


Jail cells get cold, too. Oh well. ?


Blackmail Blues / Kenny ‘Blues Boss’ Wayne

Ed Note One: None better than John Amato, C&L founder, publisher and writer, at biting political wit, at unapologetic progressive standing, and mastering the art of satirical political take-down. His staff of writers ain’t too bad, either.

Ed Note Two: All courtroom images used in video are screen grabs (just in case it wasn’t obvious).


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