Now That Was A Convention

WOW! Talk about conventions! That was a convention, wow. Prime time entertainment at its best. Drama. Comedy. Music. Dance. Anticipation. And the must-have in any prime entertainment production: Leave The Audience Hanging.


A couple of very unpleasant issues should not have left the large viewing audience hanging.

The Democratic National Convention did not – repeat – did not – allow a Palestinian-American speak to America and the World.

Democrats could very well regret that decision.

The campaign of ‘All of US’ failed all of us.





The second major misstep was inviting Bill Clinton to speak. Who’s idea was it to let that pig speak to America. After what he did to his young daughter and wife while he was president is not, will never be, forgivable; nor will it ever be forgotten. There is no coming back from that, no rehabilitation from that; no matter how hard media and politics try. Democrats might not pay a price for that one, but they should.


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