On Monday, a video was posted on the social media network of a person named Donald J. Trump that included multiple references to something called a “unified Reich”.
Most of us know the term ‘Reich’ as reference to Hitler and the Third Reich. Ya know, that period in History when the world almost came to an end.
Well, it seems that the two-time impeached, the alleged leader of a failed violent coup, the multiple-times indicted Mr. Trump is still dreaming of becoming America’s (if not the entire planet’s) next Fuhrer. And, it appears, if polling is correct, most Republican voters wouldn’t mind that at all.
But like the many Germans who ‘voted’ Hitler to power, those Americans who think their lives will be better with Trump as Fuhrer should read up on the History of Germany during the period of the two World Wars, the rise and fall of Hitler, and the resulting consequences to everyday Germans; remember not to read past stories about all the sycophants who were murdered on Hitler’s orders when they didn’t insure things went his and only his way, including a great number who were his closest Reich ‘allies’.
Well, cultish Republicans, if you haven’t learned already what your Dear Leader will do if you do not lay prone at his feet, followed by the required slow, debasing move around and upwards close enough to kiss his ass crack, then you really should read up on what’s ahead for you. There are a number of books you could read and learn from.
Yeah, I know, it won’t happen to you… . Good luck.
On the other side of the discussion, for those who think it can’t or won’t happen here and kinda smirk at the very idea, just read the excerpts (above vid) from some of those books, because, although you might not be a cult member, you will not escape the horror; And the smirk will be wiped from your face.