Psychopaths and Sycophants, Together Again

Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and the Islamic Republic of Iran are back in the news again; and not for good deeds, charitable contributions or for the overall betterment of the world.

Tom Cotton wants vigilantes to throw pro-Palestinian protesters off bridges; he wants those vigilantes to tear the skin off protester’s hands; and, Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas wants people on highways and city roads to get out of their cars and ‘remove’ those protesters if they are blocking good Amerikans from getting  along their way.

Iran is the news, as the whole world now knows, for attacking Israel with a barrage of 300 missiles. Fortunately, very few of the missiles got through Israel’s defense system (with U.S. help), and reports are saying no serious injuries or damage.

This is not the first time Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and the Islamic Republic of Iran have been in the news ‘together’.

Read on…

War Mongers and Sycophants and Psychopaths

As the drums of war grow louder inside the White House and as Trump’s orgasmic dreams of bombing Iran on his way out get more vivid, I remembered a post put up a few years ago (April 2019) and thought it an appropriate reread.

With National Security adviser John Bolton, a long-time war monger and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a newly forged Trump sycophant, acting as front men, the Administration is ratcheting up its agenda for war with Iran. And recent moves by Trump is making the international community a little bit nervous.

Just days ago, the Administration named Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist group. See Has Trump Locked U.S. and Iran into a “Permanent State of Enmity” by Listing Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization?

Iran responded on Tuesday, see Iran’s parliament passed a bill on Tuesday requiring the government take firm steps to respond to “terrorist actions” by U.S. Forces.

The Administration, also just days ago, declared it will impose sanctions on our allies who do oil business with Iran. See U.S. to impose sanctions on allies in drive to push Iranian oil sales to zero.

The ‘world’ is getting the gitters but at least one country plans a pushback. See The Tightened U.S Ban on Iran Rattles Oil World. China likely to continue buying Iran’s oil.

But wait, there’s more.

It should come as no surprise that Republicans are not confronting Trump on these latest Iran moves. We just have to go back a mere four years to October 2015 to witness how those oh-so-patriotic, oh-so-brave Republicans stood up for the USA as they confronted that ‘evil empire’, Iran.


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